Excise Duty Debit in RG 23 A and C II

pashya1972pashya1972 Member Posts: 176

Other than Excise settlement option is there any way to debit to RG 23 A II or RG 23 C II?

If yes what r those steps?

There is option in general journal like Excise record type A or C and also Excise Entry Filed "select" however cud not enter amount in RG 23 BED , Ecess, She Cess Amount filed.



  • ssinglassingla Member Posts: 2,973
    You can use the "direct debit to RG/PLA" available on the sales invoice to debit amount in RG records. Further at the time of purchase return a debit entry is created in the RG records.

    P.S. : Debit to RG in commercial sense means reduction in RG balances i.e. credit entry in accounts.
    CA Sandeep Singla
  • pashya1972pashya1972 Member Posts: 176
    We do not want dr at the time of Sales Invoice , however if we wud like to debit say Excise Rebate amount of Export invoice , or any other debit.

    Also advise the use of filed Excise Record "RG23A/C " , Excise Entry "Option" through which can we debit to rg registers?

    Thanx in advance

  • ssinglassingla Member Posts: 2,973
    Can you clarify what is excise rebate on export invoice? Is it a purchase or sales transaction? Further why we want to debit the RG 23 A/C registers? What impact your transaction will have on the RG-1 register?
    CA Sandeep Singla
  • pashya1972pashya1972 Member Posts: 176
    In Indian scenerio where there is substantial accumulated cenvat credit available and due to export it can not be utilised against domestic sales fully, hence there is provision in law that u debit to rg books or pay excise duty on export sales under rebate procedure and claim refund amount from excise. Following entries r passed

    as like normal domestic sales

    1. Excise duty on Export
    2. Excise Duty payable

    Sr #2 is required to be debited to RG books either in C or A . Here I require help to debit to RG books .

  • ssinglassingla Member Posts: 2,973
    Can you post all the GL transaction that should be made with an example amount and do mention the Income Statement/Balance Sheet on the G/L Accounts.
    CA Sandeep Singla
  • pashya1972pashya1972 Member Posts: 176

    Given below is one example.

    Export Invoice

    Customer A/c Dr (Balance Sheet) 100
    Excise Duty on Export (Balance Sheet) 10
    Sales A/c (Income) 100
    Excise Duty Payable (Balance Sheet) 10

    Here Excise duty posting is done with some customisation.i.e. On Export Invoice Option is given for "Rebate" applicable / No. If Yes then above GL entry is posted for excise duty just like regular dom.sales only diff.is Dr account is different. i,e, in case of dom sale it is customer here it is receivable a/c (Govt). It is defined in set-up for EXIM.

    If everything is selected properly then through regular practise i.e. general jorunal - payment option- these entries can be settled, however for some invoices user has not selected the "rebate" and no posting is gone to ex.duty payable.

    I can post the GL entries but for debiting to RG Register i.e. A or C I need help.
    Another example can be excess cenvat claimed to be reversed as per Excise Audit. and needs to be dr to A II. Since the cenvat claim is pertaining to earlier years we can not pass credit memo etc. Hence this type of duty debit may also an issue.


  • ssinglassingla Member Posts: 2,973
    To the best of my knowledge excess credit taken in RG A/C Part II if reversed during an Excise Audit needs to be debited in PLA as excise charge. As such there is no provision in the system to debit in the RG 23 A/C register. You need to customize it.
    CA Sandeep Singla
  • pashya1972pashya1972 Member Posts: 176
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