Indicator Color on Form

ZMikeZMike Member Posts: 10
Is there a way to change indicator color ?
This type of controls (in a form) does not have OnFormat trigger... No "CurrForm.Field.UpdateForeColor" is available. ](*,)

If we change BackColor or ForeColor we always get Indicator in green.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,
Miguel Carvalho


  • garakgarak Member Posts: 3,263
    hehe, if i return my minds, then is in the Developers Guide a example for this.
    You must create for example 3 indicators. All 3 Indicators must have a Name (IndiBlue,IndiRed,IndoGreen);

    Now you set the visibility of the indicators like following:


    Do you make it right, it works too!
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