I want to add an activity to a Role Center. I know how to do this, but I have a question about this.
The quantity that is shown on the activity is based on a flowfield from for example table 9053 Sales Cue.
This flowfield should be added to an "Activity Page" for example Page 9060 SO Processor Activities.
However the quantity that I want to show in the activity cannot be calculated by a flowfield. I try to create a function with a returnvalue and add this in the sourceExpr of the "Activity Page", but then my RTC crashes.
Can somebody help me with this?
It seems to be possible to base Cues on "manually" calculated variables and they do show correct figures, but DrillDowns on these Cues either crush the client or dont work all.
The client indeed crushes when DrillDownFormID property is defined for the textbox control linked to my variable. My mistake - got carried away trying to "mimic" other controls on this form :oops:
If I leave that property empty and write the code on OnDrillDown trigger that opens a page with necessary records (filtered the way I wanted) - it works fine.
A new menu item for my new Cue is added to the Home items (see the picture) to the bottom of the list. And there seems to be no way to move it up - next to all other "views" of that Activity (e.g. under Sales Orders) - because as I understand RTC handles this behavior automatically based on DrillDownFormID.
This seems a bit messy... but it works!
I have the same problem, I also defined the DrillDownFormID. The page doesn't crash, but it also isn't grouped to all other "views" of that Activity.
Is there now any solution for this?
Thank you very much.