Hello Together
I want my Navision 3.65A (Navision Blue) start with my new Windows Small Business Server 2003. The Database is Starting, but i can´t log in with a local Client, or else.
I get a Error Message called :shock: : "The called name is valid, but no data was found from this type" <- translated from German in English -
What is do to go get the navision running??!!
Thx for Help
Best regards,
Uhhh sorry, 3.56A :roll:
You should check on your server that you are running serverN.exe, that it is InstalledAsService, that you use NetType=TCP, that database=XXX shows the right path to your actual database file.
You should use the same licensfile (navi_inf.dat) on both server and client and on the client you should run naviN.exe with nettype=TCP and serverno=1 (the number of the actual server session started)
Hope this is of some help to you
Best regards,
Therefore, this message is moved to the forum "Navision DOS".