I have made a dataport that can import data into a General Journal. I have also made a button in Form 39 "General Journal", that starts the dataport.
My problem is that I do not want the user to choose the: "Journal Template Name" and "Journal Batch Name" in the dataport, but simply send these from the form. I have not been able to do that. Is it possibly? If so, how?
Add two global code10 variables to your dataport (TemplateName and BatchName). Add a function called SetValues to your dataport, with two parameters (parTemplateName and parBatchName). In the function, you write the following code: Then, in the OnPush trigger of your button, you call your new function with the current template and batchname, so that looks something like this: Make sure that your dataport is a variable of the datatype dataport, otherwise this won't work. By calling the SetValues function from the General Journal Form, you put values in the global variables that you can then use throughout your dataport.
Good luck, HTH 8)
Good luck.