Post Order with Sales Tax

couberpucouberpu Member Posts: 317

I need help on finding what I did wrong on setting up sales tax.

I setup tax posting group, sales tax in G/L, add group code to items and add area code, tax liable in customers.
I did not have problem enter sales header and sales line, the tax amount was calculated.
But when I try to post this sales oder, it show "You must reopen the document since this will affect Sales Tax." error message.
Can anyone tell me where I missed?



  • couberpucouberpu Member Posts: 317
    Well, I did a search on "sales tax" of and it returned with a lot of un-answered entries. Is it not a hot topic or just not many company that need sales tax using Navision?
    Should I looking for 3rd party product? :oops:

    Please advise!

  • Alex_ChowAlex_Chow Member Posts: 5,063
    Don't use the Tax Posting Group for sales tax.

    For sales tax, you should look at Sales Tax under the Financial Management --> Setup.
  • couberpucouberpu Member Posts: 317
    Alex Chow wrote:
    Don't use the Tax Posting Group for sales tax.

    For sales tax, you should look at Sales Tax under the Financial Management --> Setup.

    I have NAV 3.6X. But I will check.
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    General Ledger->Setup->Sales Tax->Area
    Code: NYS
    Description: New York State
    Country: US

    :In Tax Juristictions - You can Create (Suffolk/Nassau/Etc)
    There you can set up the G/L Tax Account #'s
    Tax Juristiction Code: Suffolk
    Juristiction Description: Suffolk County (Example)

    :In Tax Details - You can enter your tax rate (%8.625 or whatever it is) in
    tax above & below maximum.

    :In the customer card you can check off:
    Tax Liable
    Tax Area Code: NYS

    see if that helps...
  • couberpucouberpu Member Posts: 317
    Savatage wrote:
    General Ledger->Setup->Sales Tax->Area
    Code: NYS
    Description: New York State
    Country: US

    :In Tax Juristictions - You can Create (Suffolk/Nassau/Etc)
    There you can set up the G/L Tax Account #'s
    Tax Juristiction Code: Suffolk
    Juristiction Description: Suffolk County (Example)

    :In Tax Details - You can enter your tax rate (%8.625 or whatever it is) in
    tax above & below maximum.

    :In the customer card you can check off:
    Tax Liable
    Tax Area Code: NYS

    see if that helps...


    My problem is in table 37, sales line, function updateamounts():

    IF SalesHeader.Status = SalesHeader.Status::Released THEN
    IF SalesHeader."Tax Area Code" = '' THEN

    During Posting it return text1020000 message :You must reopen the document since this will affect Sales Tax.

    Do you know why?

  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    as per the code you posted - it appears the sales tax code <> blank in the sales line therefore it's giving you the error message. How about open the order - run the function & then release it.
  • couberpucouberpu Member Posts: 317
    It says that I should not have Tax Area Code in sales line. I think that it was copy from sales header and sales heaer got it from customer. Is there a function, which I do not know, I have to run before release the order?
  • couberpucouberpu Member Posts: 317
    OK! Maybe I was doing this the wrong way!

    I setup Customer Card with Tax Liable and Tax Area Code, Item Card with Tax Group Code.
    When I entered a Sales Order, the information was copied from Customer Card and Item Card, I need to find out "Why the posting gave me an error message indicating that I had a Tax Area Code in the header"?
    I checked the code and all the information from Customer Card and Item Card was copied into sales header but these information stop me from posting, why? I must missed a step, but which step? ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)

    Please advise!

  • couberpucouberpu Member Posts: 317
    So I have to do something to force the posting :roll:

    I commented out
    IF CurrFieldNo <> FIELDNO("Allow Invoice Disc.") THEN
    "Line Amount" := ROUND(Quantity * "Unit Price",Currency."Amount Rounding Precision") - "Line Discount Amount";
    "VAT Difference" := 0;
    IF SalesHeader.Status = SalesHeader.Status::Released THEN
      IF SalesHeader."Tax Area Code" = '' THEN
      //  ERROR(Text1020000);

    and post went through.
    I checked the G/L entry, cust. ledger entry, Value entry, sales invoice they all looking good!
    So what am I missing here? Why ERROR(Text1020000)?
    Please help!

  • DeepDeep Member Posts: 569
    Seems to be a mod. I could not find any function in W1 version.
    Please Correct me if I am wrong.

  • couberpucouberpu Member Posts: 317
    Well! It was in US NAV 3.6X demo and I do not see if this is going to go anywhere.
    Case closed.
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