Dataport Export

viriatoviriato Member Posts: 105
I need to export data through a dataport, a Customer list, but I need to compare if the customer exist in a file(cvs) that I have. If it exists in the csv file that I have then the customer is exported. Which would be the ideal way to solve this problem.

Thank you in advance.


  • garakgarak Member Posts: 3,263
    you can read during the export the csv file or if it is easier for you, you import the csv before in a table (possible a temptable) and check if the customer exist in the temptable.

    Do you make it right, it works too!
  • viriatoviriato Member Posts: 105
    Thanks Garak.

    Have a nice weekend.
  • viriatoviriato Member Posts: 105
    Just one last question.

    How would you implement the process of reading the file into a temporary table?

  • garakgarak Member Posts: 3,263
    as temporary table you use a variable of type record with the property "temporary" of the variable.

    For your example you can use a temptable in your dataport self. To fill this temptable you must declare a table as variable and set then the property to temporary. Then before you export the datas you import the csv file in the temptable with using the systemvariable file. But i think that this is to "complex" for you. An other, easier, solution is:

    1. You must have the csv file and must know the structure
    2. you create you own table (like 50000 MyCSVImportTable)
    3. You create a dataport to import the csv file into your table MyCSVImportTable
    4. After the import you start your export dataport and check, before you export a rec, if the customer is in the "MyCSVImportTable".
    5. after ExportDataport is finished, you can, if you doesn't need the datas, the table MyCSVImportTable.

    Do you make it right, it works too!
  • viriatoviriato Member Posts: 105
    Great thanks once again Garak.
  • viriatoviriato Member Posts: 105
    I was thinking of actually creating a dataport that imports the file in a temp table and from there try to the dataport that exports the data.
    I'm not sure if I can do this, I haven't tried it out.

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