Hi everyone,
i've setup a webservice on nav2009. nav is running on a virtual machine.
now within that virtualmachine i can access everything just fine.
i.e. i can connect to the following url:
http://virtualnav09:7047/dynamicsnav/ws ... V/services
but from another computer, i can only request:
the url mentioned before is not accessible.
any suggestions?
i was looking for settings like 'allow anonymous access' like you can find under the properties of websites/service listed in your IIS manager,
but i couldn't find anything like that regarding my NAV09 webservices..
Register the SPN for webservices with the webservices domain account
Register the SPN for HTTP with the webservices domain account
Give the account delegation rights for both
I'm in the middle of a similar setup. There's probably a couple more things that I can't recall right now. Try these and let me know. I have this all working in a Windows 2008 virtual network.
But i'm not getting a 401 error.. i'm getting a 500 error.
Anyway, i did want to try registering that SPN, just to see what it doest, but i can't get it to work.
How do i find out what my webservices domain account is?
and what would that setspn command have to look like?
You should also register SPN for HTTP:
setspn –A HTTP/FullyQualifiedDomainNameOfServer:Port Domain\User
Hi bbrown,
I hope you can help me with this issue.
My client is trying to use the webservices from NAV2009 without the role tailered client, which shouldn't be an issue.
We have setup the NAV Sql db and NAV server tier on two seperate windows 2008 server. We have followed the steps in the walk through of installing 3 teir on 3 machines - of course without the RTC bits, but we did complete the bits about the SPN and delegation. Also the domain account user used by web serivces and Nav server is a super user in the Nav database.
We have also registered the SPN with Http as you have suggested.
However we received the following error and based on the event viewer, it seems the blank user was passed instead of the actual domain user. Any ideas why?
many thanks
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
My client is planning to use the webservices from their website which is built in VB.NET.
However, at the moment, all we are trying to do is to list all the webservices that is exposed to public.
As you can see the url is in the format of
http://localhost:7047/dynamicsnav/ws/<company name>/services
We have installed the NAV service tier and NAV SQL database on two seperate Windows 2008 server, and the errors that I have posted were received from the windows 2008 server where the NAV service tier is installed.
Your help is very much appreciated,
Try using following URL:
Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
E Mail : ravi.thakkar@hotmail.com
I have tried your suggestion but still recieved the same error
As you can see from the attached error from event viewer, it seems the blank User was passed hence caused the authorization exception.
If yes, then check login account in 2 NAV Sevices in Administrative Tools Services.
Assign proper credentials for it or also can assign the Local System Account.
If no then check whether you have done some settings regarding Domain Access on Database Server and IIS.
May be possible I am on a wrong track.
Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
E Mail : ravi.thakkar@hotmail.com
I'm not sure why sometimes this service isn't installed, once I'had to install manually in the server options, navigating throuht the setup options til I've found ones page where I see the port number 7047 and mark this feature to be installed.
Then you can set the strartup properties in the service to launch when server strats.
Hope this may help you.
Also there is a patch for nav 2009 that was related to anonymous login issue.
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
Let me clarify what we have done
- installed NAV Service tier (including webservices service) on a Windows 2008 Server
- both services have been assigned a domain user account which is a user with super role in the NAV SQL database
- the NAV SQL database is installed on a seperate Windows 2008 Server
- followed the SPN and delegation steps requried based on the walkthrough of install 3 tieir on 3 differernt machines
- the only thing we didnt do is we do not have a role tailered client installed, as we will use the classic client for navision operation and only use NAV webservices from a website
What we are trying to do now (no website code is involved yet) is just typing the following URL using IE on the machine where the NAV service tier is installed, which should list all the currently available web services, however the authentication exception is received (please refer to my earlier post for the screenshot)
http://localhost:7047/dynamicsnav/ws/<company name>/services
many thanks
https://community.dynamics.com/blogs/na ... setup.aspx
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n