Transformation Tool

apankoapanko Member Posts: 70
edited 2011-03-09 in NAV Three Tier

I've tryed to transform 1 form to page. It was not necessary to delete or move elements so I created empty DeleteElements.xml and MoveElements.xml (Functions -> Create transformation input -> Delete pages elements \ Move pages element).

Transformation tool doesn't create page.

Log file:
Error: Schema: \MovePageElement.xsd
Error: Form -2: The validation for file:///C:/NAV2009/TransformationTool/MovePageElement.xsd.tmp.xml failed. Detailed Information: LineNumber=2, LinePosition=2
Error: Form -2: Содержимое элемента "MovePageElements" в пространстве имен "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:dynamics:NAV:ApplicationObjects" является неполным. Список ожидаемых элементов: "Page" в пространстве имен "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:dynamics:NAV:ApplicationObjects".
Error: Some input file can’t be validated by schema. Please, correct it and rerun tool again

Error: Form -2: Content of element "MovePageElements" in namespace "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:dynamics:NAV:ApplicationObjects" is incomplete. List of expected elemets: "Page" in namecpace"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:dynamics:NAV:ApplicationObjects". (Error was in Russian, this is my translation)

Also transformation tool doesn't allow to skip files DeleteElements.xml and MoveElements.xml.


  • SrivasSrivas Member Posts: 89
    I think you do not need to run - deletepageelement and movepageelement functions (if you have not defined it). Directly create transform page function.
  • apankoapanko Member Posts: 70
    Srivas wrote:
    I think you do not need to run - deletepageelement and movepageelement functions (if you have not defined it). Directly create transform page function.

    I've tried to do this.

    Error Log:
    Error: Could not load .\DeleteElements.xml
    Error: Could not load .\MoveElements.xml
    Error: Transformation aborted

    I found two solutions of this problem:
    Mark useless element as "DeleteElement" and add new property (PromotedField) to useful element on the form (MoveElement).
    Both files will become correct and transformation will be successful.

    The another solution - edit MovePageElement.xsd file:
    Existing line
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="Page">
    Replace with
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="Page">

    Existing line
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="Page">
    Replace with
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="Page">
  • dmytrkdmytrk Member, Microsoft Employee Posts: 10
    You right. It’s because these files are still specified in your config file (Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Tools.FormTransformation.exe.config) so transformation tool tries to validate it. You could update schema files or config file or provide “almost” empty input files – add headers, so they could pass validation by MovePageElement.xsd and DeletePageElement.xsd.
    I think fix for this issue will be available in hot fix and definitely in SP1. So it will be possible to just delete xml files with no need to update config/schema files.
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
  • FranklinFranklin Member Posts: 253
    Hi everybody,

    I´m using Transformation Tool for the first time and i hace the first error when i select "Create all transformation input"

    The error is:

    Error: Could not load .\Forms.xml
    Error: Transformation aborted

    Any idea?

    PD: First I have configured Transformation Setup Card

    Then i have imported "all transformation input"

    Then i have configured all our objects (50000..50040) with the type of form, pages etc... I have ignored some of these too.

    And finally, i have selected "Create all transformation input"
  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,504
    Franklin wrote:
    Hi everybody,

    I´m using Transformation Tool for the first time and i hace the first error when i select "Create all transformation input"

    The error is:

    Error: Could not load .\Forms.xml
    Error: Transformation aborted

    Any idea?

    PD: First I have configured Transformation Setup Card

    Then i have imported "all transformation input"

    Then i have configured all our objects (50000..50040) with the type of form, pages etc... I have ignored some of these too.

    And finally, i have selected "Create all transformation input"

    Follow below links
  • FranklinFranklin Member Posts: 253
    Thank you mohana_cse06...

    Once I've followed all the steps the log throws me the following ...

    Transformation started at 08/03/2011 8:47:01
    Forms file: .\Forms.xml
    Pages file: .\Pages.xml
    InsertElements file: .\TransformPages.xml
    IgnoreForms file: .\IgnorePages.xml
    DeleteElements file: .\DeleteElements.xml
    MoveElements file: .\MoveElements.xml
    RenumberPages file: .\MovePages.xml
    CodeRules file: .\coderules.txt
    Error: Schema: \ApplicationObjects.xsd
    Error: Form -2: The validation for file:///C:/FrAn/Fran/NAV/Herramientas NAV/Transformation Tool/TransformationTool/ApplicationObjects.xsd.tmp.xml failed. Detailed Information: LineNumber=4854, LinePosition=14
    Error: Form -2: El elemento 'Properties' en espacio de nombres 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:dynamics:NAV:ApplicationObjects' tiene un elemento secundario 'Style' en espacio de nombres 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:dynamics:NAV:ApplicationObjects' no válido. Lista esperada de elementos posibles: 'IndentationColumnName, InstructionalTextML, IndentationControls, ShowAsTree, Enabled, Visible, Description, Editable, Name' en espacio de nombres 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:dynamics:NAV:ApplicationObjects'.
    Error: Some input file can’t be validated by schema. Please, correct it and rerun tool again

    I think i´m using some code not supported but if there are many objects... can i convert only one form into a page? In this case i only export the object as forms.xml, right?
  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,504
    Franklin wrote:
    I think i´m using some code not supported but if there are many objects... can i convert only one form into a page? In this case i only export the object as forms.xml, right?

    may be, i am not able to understand the error as it is not in english.

    yes, you can convert one form.
    Export as
  • julkifli33julkifli33 Member Posts: 1,092
    i have developed matrix form
    can i transform it become pages?
  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,504
    you cannot directly transform matrax form to page
    you need to follow the below steps..
  • julkifli33julkifli33 Member Posts: 1,092
    i see also from the link you gave me
    which is Walkthrough: Redesigning the Acc. Schedule Overview Form

    and so many codes there
    IF TempColumnLayout.FINDSET THEN
        ColumnNo := ColumnNo + 1;
        IF (ColumnNo > ColumnOffset) AND (ColumnNo - ColumnOffset <= ARRAYLEN(ColumnCaptions)) THEN
          ColumnCaptions[ColumnNo - ColumnOffset] := TempColumnLayout."Column Header";
      UNTIL (ColumnNo - ColumnOffset = ARRAYLEN(ColumnCaptions)) OR (TempColumnLayout.NEXT = 0);
    // Set unused columns to blank to prevent RTC to display control ID as caption
    FOR i := ColumnNo - ColumnOffset + 1 TO ARRAYLEN(ColumnCaptions) DO
      ColumnCaptions[i] := ' ';

    is it that complicated to redesign matrix forms?
  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,504
    julkifli33 wrote:
    is it that complicated to redesign matrix forms?

    i can say, YES
  • julkifli33julkifli33 Member Posts: 1,092
    hmmmm another problem after i use transformation tools
    something wrong about object metadata
    how to solve it?
    (this one not for matrix... but card type)
  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,504
    julkifli33 wrote:
    hmmmm another problem after i use transformation tools
    something wrong about object metadata
    how to solve it?
    (this one not for matrix... but card type)

    Compile that card type object (if possible all)
  • julkifli33julkifli33 Member Posts: 1,092
    julkifli33 wrote:
    hmmmm another problem after i use transformation tools
    something wrong about object metadata
    how to solve it?
    (this one not for matrix... but card type)

    Compile that card type object (if possible all)
    what happened...??
    Part Controls with part type 'Page' must have PagePartID
  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,504
    If it is a card type, why did u add a part type in Page?
    this is used in Documents header and lines..
    if it a card type delete part type line in page
  • julkifli33julkifli33 Member Posts: 1,092
    If it is a card type, why did u add a part type in Page?
    this is used in Documents header and lines..
    if it a card type delete part type line in page
    ok i got it ...
    it's because i haven't convert form 50001 become page 50001
    i convert the header first (form 50000)
    form 50001 is the matrix form
    i try using another subform... now it can be compiled
    thanks :)
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