Excel cell font

Cem_KaraerCem_Karaer Member Posts: 281
Hi everyone!

I want to control font name and font size of Excel cell which is created by using the Excel Buffer table. I scrutinized the code in Excel Buffer and found some code as below
XlWrkSht.Range(xlColID + xlRowID).Font."something"
But what should I use instead of "something" to control it. F5 gives no clue.

Have a nice day or night.
Cem Karaer @ Pargesoft
Dynamics NAV Developer since 2005


  • garakgarak Member Posts: 3,263
    use "Courier", "Fixedsys" or "Times New Roman". What i mean, use the fontname that you want to use. Open Excel and take a look how the fontname is

    Do you make it right, it works too!
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