Hi All,
I have a question...
Is it possible to run Navision with command line parameters to open a specified Database and Company WITH a specified User ID and PASSWORD.
I don't mind of security issues related with this approach...
I would like to make a BIG batch file to start Navision sequentially three times with three different User ID and Password.
1. Select a Form within Navision and press File->Send->Shortcut to desktop. A link on your desktop will appear. Analyze it.
2. Use cfront.ocx. With a programming language like Borland Delphi, C++, C#, Basic,..... you could create a reference to the cfront.ocx and start the application.
"C:\Program Files\Navision Attain\Client37\finsql.exe" ntauthentication=yes, servername=AKLSWS100, database=MYDEV, company=MYDEV
this will open MY instance of finsql (note the quotes around this - without quotes DOS will try to run C:\Program with parameter of Files\...)
You will need to change this to point to YOUR version of Navision
Anyway change the servername, database, company param to suit your needs.
I assume you are not going to use ntauthentication (or else you would need to log out of Windows for each test).
I will test this without ntauth - more to follow..
does not shed much light - I will continue later.