Report - database Connectivity

SrivasSrivas Member Posts: 89
edited 2009-01-19 in NAV Three Tier
Hi All,

Does report look in to some kind of set up before generating the data?
I mean to say that when I use local database(on my machine), report shows the output but when I connect to a server database through role tailored client, it doesnot show the data.
I am wondering that it uses some service which is pointing to my local database.
Any Suggestions??


  • Ramya_VenkatRamya_Venkat Member Posts: 5

    It would help if you could tell which report you are trying to run. A report does depend on the data that you have. When you run from the server, it is possible that the data item the report is referring to does not have the specified data.
  • SrivasSrivas Member Posts: 89
    data not showing for any report from server.
  • Ramya_VenkatRamya_Venkat Member Posts: 5
    Then, it seems obvious that the company from where you are executing the report does not have the required data
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