Item Not in Inventory in Production Journal

amphysvenaamphysvena Member Posts: 113
When posting production journal (from released prod. order), I got an error said that Item A is not in inventory.

After check it using Item by Location, I found out that the item has sufficient quantity in that location.

After debugging, I found that the error is from this code in CodeUnit 22, InsertItemLedgEntry.
IF ItemLedgEntry.Open THEN BEGIN
IF (((ItemLedgEntry."Entry Type" IN
[ItemLedgEntry."Entry Type"::"Negative Adjmt.",
ItemLedgEntry."Entry Type"::Consumption]) AND
("Source Type" = "Source Type"::Item)) OR
(ItemLedgEntry."Entry Type" = ItemLedgEntry."Entry Type"::Transfer)) AND
(ItemLedgEntry.Quantity < 0)
ERROR(Text005,ItemLedgEntry."Item No.");

The ItemLedgEntry is Open, Entry Type is Consumption, Source Type is Item, Quantity is -280. So the error raise.

The question is, the quantity is sufficient but why it said that the item is not in inventory?
Thanks for the replies.



  • cernstcernst Member Posts: 280
    It can be bacuse a lot of different things.
    Have you checked if there is any reservation? lot no. or serial no. assigned?
    If it's a multilevel production order you need to consume the item you produced on that production order.
    NAV Freelance Consultant
  • amphysvenaamphysvena Member Posts: 113
    We don't use lot no. or serial no.
    And I see there is no reservation for this item.
    But the "Qty. on Component Lines" and "Scheduled Need (Qty.)" has some value in it. Is there any effect from those two fields? Thanks.

  • cernstcernst Member Posts: 280
    Check if you have entered any scrap qty or % either on the BOM or on the routing. Scrap increases the quantity to be consumed.
    NAV Freelance Consultant
  • amphysvenaamphysvena Member Posts: 113
    We don't use scrap qty or %, neither in BOM or Routing.
    Thanks for the replies.

  • AdamRoueAdamRoue Member Posts: 1,283
    Go to the availability of the item, you will not have enough.

    You may "believe" you have enough but the system "knows" you do not.

    This will be on a warehouse level and bins if you have them. There could be a transfer order or sales order pulling the stock, but whatever it is the system believes it is not available.

    This question gets asked regularly and it is always the users interpretation of the data, I do not believe it has been a "bug" yet.
    The art of teaching is clarity and the art of learning is to listen
  • Alex_ChowAlex_Chow Member Posts: 5,063
    Last thing to check is to make sure the components are coming out of the right location. (I've seen this issue quite a bit)
  • amphysvenaamphysvena Member Posts: 113
    I've checked the availability by Period. though it is minus, but in my sample database with sample data, I still can post it.

    Finally I transfer 1 item to the location that I want to journal. Post the production journal without error. And after that, I transferred the 1 item back to the original location.
    Thanks for all the replies.

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