What setup do you use for importing large item journals

nav_dellnav_dell Member Posts: 15
As per title we have some large journals we need to post. At the moment our system is setup that you have to manually enter each line on the item journal form.

I've been having a quick look at the background to this process but it seems that's it's not as simple as populating a table via a dataport.

Can anyone that does this let me know how their setup works?



  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,304
    Sure you can do a dataport, you just need to know what you need to do to create a full journal line. The way I apporach things like that is first I create the journal myself, entering the fields that a regular user would enter manually. When the journal line is ready to post I copy the line into Excel, so I have a baseline of what the record should look like.

    Then I would create a dataport that can import a text file with the same field values, and I would work on making the dataport work until the record that is imported has the same values as the journal line that I created manually. Usually this involves importing values into variables, and writing code in the OnAfterImport trigger to validate the fields that I need and inserting the journal by C/AL code. This also gives you the flexibility to take care of lot numbers and serial numbers.

    So it's more than just setup, you will need to create a dataport with some code in it.
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