Difference Between Global Dimension 1 code & shortcut Dim. 1

prasad.khorgadeprasad.khorgade Member Posts: 25
Hello All..

Wht's the exact difference bet'n Global Dimension 1 code & shortcut Dim. 1 code?


  • DeepDeep Member Posts: 569
    Global Dimension 1 is directly stored to G/L entry. You can filter the G/L entry directly using a table filter/field filter.
    Shortcut dimension are updated over the Ledger Entry Dimensions table.

    When you are using analysis by dimensions, the information is retreived from the ledger entry dimension table. For the Global dimensions to be updated in ths table, they need to be configured as shortcut dimensions.

    You can also use the ledger entry dimension table for fetching the dimension information on the basis of Table No. and Entry No. for both Global and shortcut dimensions.

  • ameenameen Member Posts: 217
    Hi Deep,

    U explained the about how it is storing the Dimesnions.
    But can u explain how it is useful functionality wise difference between Global and Short cut.
    Could explain the with suitable example.
  • DeepDeep Member Posts: 569
    ameen wrote:
    Hi Deep,

    U explained the about how it is storing the Dimesnions.
    But can u explain how it is useful functionality wise difference between Global and Short cut.
    Could explain the with suitable example.
    When you are using analysis by dimensions, the information is retreived from the ledger entry dimension table. For the Global dimensions to be updated in this table, they need to be configured as shortcut dimensions.

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