I'm created a new Navision Database, created the broker (ALTER DATABASE MyDatabase SET ENABLE_BROKER), and lauched sql srcipt from manual (GRANT CREATE QUEUE TO [NT Authority\NetworkService] ...) is not necessary is possible but ¿?¿? ; the Windows navision services is the logon user: NT Authority\NetworkService, in SQL SERVER is DBOWNER in the database MyDatabase :
When open the browser in
I have this errror:
<faultcode xmlns:a="urn:microsoft-dynamics-schemas/error">a:Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Types.Exceptions.NavNCLChangeListenerConnectionFailedException</faultcode>
<faultstring xml:lang="es-ES">Servidor Microsoft Dynamics NAV no puede conectar el servicio de escucha de cambios a SQL Server debido al siguiente error: Error de inicio de sesión del usuario 'MYDOMANIN\MYMACHINE$'.</faultstring>
In English:
The Servidor Microsoft Dynamics NAV cannot connect the Change Listener to SQL Server due to the following error: Login failed for user 'MYDOMAIN\MYMACHINE$
Can I help you please?
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
Now I created a local user: WS, this user is the user to logon in the Windows serivces, I'm created in the script manual GRANT CREATE QUEUE TO [mymachine\WS], DBOWNER in Database, dbo default Schema... When logon in my machine with the user WS is possible to connect with Navission.
When open Browser ... :oops:
Servidor Microsoft Dynamics NAV no puede conectar el servicio de escucha de cambios a SQL Server debido al siguiente error: Error de inicio de sesión del usuario ''. El usuario no está asociado a una conexión de SQL Server de confianza
In English:
The Servidor Microsoft Dynamics NAV cannot connect the Change Listener to SQL Server due to the following error:
Login failed for user ''. The user not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.
mmmmmm user'' my user is mymachine\WS ¿?¿?
The trusted SQL Server connection is a problem when you use only windows autentification ???
If you are going machine<->machine with the NetworkService account being used in the NAV Server, you need to ensure that you create that account (using the machinename$ notation) as a login in SQL Server. Check this using Management Studio.
Then map that login to the database itself, as a database user (it is simpler to use the same name for the user as the login).
Then, using a query window issue: GRANT SELECT ON [Object Tracking] TO [machinename$] in the database.
It is not necessary to do any of these steps if the NAV Server and SQL Server are on the same machine, and you are using NetworkService for the NAV Server, since c/side will do this for you. But for the machine<->machine scenario you need to do this yourself.
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