Service Invoice posting generates a Service Shipment

br@mcbr@mc Member Posts: 16
Nav 5.0 SP1

When I post a Service Invoice Navision generates a posted service shipment.

I don't seem to find any documentation why nav does this. I don't see the business logic behind it.

We sell Software and bill our customers Quarterly. We want to send out contract invoices every quarter. We have no need for Posted Service Shipments.

Is there some documentation out there? Can we switch off the creation of Posted Service Shipments (without customizing cdu 5980 Service-Post)?

many thx and a merry christmas



  • garakgarak Member Posts: 3,263
    Take a look in the Service Mgt. Setup -> Field "Shipment on Invoice"
    Do you make it right, it works too!
  • br@mcbr@mc Member Posts: 16
    Tried this but doesn't seem to do anything.

    In cdu 5980 I find this, imho I always will have those posted service shipments.

    CheckAndSetPostingConstants(VAR ServiceHeader : Record "Service Header";VAR PassedShip : Boolean;VAR PassedConsume : Boolean;VAR Passed
    WITH ServiceHeader DO BEGIN
    CASE "Document Type" OF
    "Document Type"::Invoice:
    PassedShip := TRUE;
    PassedInvoice := TRUE;
    "Document Type"::"Credit Memo":
    PassedShip := FALSE;
    PassedInvoice := TRUE;
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