G/L Edit Description

attardcattardc Member Posts: 97
My customer wants to be able to change the descriprion of G/L entries after posting. is this possible, and how? i have enabled the editable property in the form and field, but am still getting a license issue.

thanks a lot!

Seasons Greetings


  • DeepDeep Member Posts: 569
    Neither the posted g/l entries can be modified with a client license, nor they should be.
    Any requirement of client which is of such absurd nature must not be catered to. You should ask your client why he wants to change the posted description, and explain him to make any changes prior to posting.

  • attardcattardc Member Posts: 97
    Customer Ledger Entries Descriptions can be edited, this is catered for from standard navision. Why is it impossible in G/Ls Description?
  • DeepDeep Member Posts: 569
    CLE can never be changed with a user license.

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