scan, find and open form

dspasovdspasov Member Posts: 33
Helo colleagues,
I can not figure out following problem:
I have custome made picking card form, based on "Warehouse Activity Line" table and wich is running on mobile scanners.One of the fields is "Item No.".I`d like to proceed if the picker scan some item barcode and if this item exists in picking card to init some code to open a scanning form.
Something like that:
if item was found then
message('There is no such item in the list')

Now i do it by positioning on the row and pushing button.My desire is to skip this handle operation by scanning.

Thanks in advance!


  • awarnawarn Member Posts: 261
    OnValidate of the Item No field:

    IF Item.GET("item no.") THEN BEGIN
    MESSAGE(STRSUBSTNO('Item %1 does not exist.',"Item No."));

  • dspasovdspasov Member Posts: 33
    Hi awarn,
    I can`t fire OnValidate triger coz the field "Item No." is not editable.
    Imagine we have opened form 31 Item List.We scan item barcode.The item exists and Navision gain focus on it.
    i`d like to start scanform especialy on this moment.
  • awarnawarn Member Posts: 261
    Whatever the 'event' is that enters the item number, whatever field you are no when you scan, then that is the event to put the code into.
  • dspasovdspasov Member Posts: 33
    This trigger fires when the user leaves the control after changing the data.

    I don`t change the data.Just find it.
  • awarnawarn Member Posts: 261
    Right - so OnValidate that is where you write the code.
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