Sales Price Worksheet: Starting/ Ending Date

tro#1tro#1 Member Posts: 122

for year end we want to work with the Sales Price Worksheet.
Right now there are Sales Prices in the System for "All Customers". All prices should get checked and most of them also updated.

We thought it would be a good idea to fill the "Sales Price Worksheet" with all items. The sales persons could work with this Sheet and they could type in the "New Unit Price" for the wanted items.

When we run the "Suggest Sales Price on Wksh." to fill the worksheet we get following message: "Starting Date cannot be after Ending Date"

I just picked one item and checked this one:
For this item two Sales Prices exist:
Both are for "All Customers".
First one: Starting date: 01/01/06, Ending date: 09/30/07
Second one: Starting date: 10/01/07, no Ending date

When I run the "Suggest Sales Price on Wksh." for this particular item I choose following options:
Sales Type = All Customers
Starting Date = 01/01/09
Ending Date = <blank>
Create new prices = yes

Again I get the message "Starting Date cannot be after Ending Date"

I thought I have to close all Sales Prices so I went back to the Sales Price Table and changed the second Sales Price to:
Starting date: 10/01/07, Ending date: 31/12/08

I tried the "Suggest Sales Price again" - still the same message.

It only works if I type in an "Ending date" in the Request Form "Suggest Sales Price" . But since I do not know if and when those new prices will end I do not want to enter any date in there.

Any ideas?
Thank you


  • remarkremark Member Posts: 122

    I've faced with this problem too.
    My decision was to fill in the Ending Date field deliberately late date value which will for sure be late (for example 31 dec., 2020). Then before changing prices I can first change this unreal ending date with the real ending date (with the help of "Suggest Sales Price on Wksh." with filled the same "Starting Date" and real "Ending Date" not checking "Create New Prices" checkbox).
    Then I can add lines with new prices with again unreal for sure too late Ending date (with the help of "Suggest Sales Price on Wksh." with filled new "Starting Date" and unreal "Ending Date" this time checking "Create New Prices" checkbox).

    In my case all price changes occur simultaneously, so I know what Starting Date Value should be put in "Suggest Sales Price on Wksh." in order to automatically fill in Sales Price Worksheet whith new real ending dates. So don't know if this way is convenient for you.

    Best regards
  • tro#1tro#1 Member Posts: 122
    Thank you remark,
    I exactly handled it the way and fiddled with the Ending Date.
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