BOM Journal slow when choosing Item

amphysvenaamphysvena Member Posts: 113
In BOM Journals, it is slow when I selecting the item no.
When selecting the item no., it shows "searching the item table" windows first, with key = no.
& after a while it shows the item list form.

My question is, how to speed up the item selection? I'm guessing that I have to use the right key when selecting the item. But item no. in BOM journals is using "Bill of Material" as filter. & "Bill of Material" is a flowfield, so I can't use it as key.
My client has about 4716 items.



  • modricmodric Member Posts: 42
    Only ~5K Items is really nothing for NAV - haven`t you added some more FlowFields to this table?

    Popular are ItemCat/ProdCode NAMES, different Quantities - OnStock, OnOrder etc. Users often ask these to be added to list, but all of them slow down the opening of form.

    Worst what I've seen is Filter on "<> 0" in custom FlowField "Qty on Stock" in situation when 90% of ~170K Items have zero stock... It took ages for the poor form to open...
    Modris Ivans
    MCP, Dynamics NAV - Application
  • amphysvenaamphysvena Member Posts: 113
    No, I don't add any new flowfield in Table Item. All is default from NAV.

    It is about 5-10 seconds to open the item list using LAN. I'm afraid it will be slower for the user that using WAN.

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