Consignment Stock - Reporting Gross Profit

Jonathan2708Jonathan2708 Member Posts: 552

My customer has the following situation :

1. They receive consignment stock from a vendor and book into their warehouse at zero cost.
2. They sell the stock to their customers at various prices (agreed with each customer).
3. Each month they report sales to their vendor who effectively invoices them 82% of the sale price (so effectively 18% profit).

We want to be able to use the nice analysis features for reporting sales/costs/GP but because we do not know the cost price until a sale is made, the system always reports 100% GP. When entering the cost in the "Unit Cost (LCY)" field on the sales line this gives the correct profit but then when posting the costing system reverses this with an adjustment value entry (as it should).

I was thinking of doing the following customisations :

1. OnValidate() on "Unit Price" - calculate the "Unit Cost (LCY)" field at 82% of price.
2. Add a new filter opton field to the 'Analysis Types' table to exclude 'Adjustment' value entries from the analysis reports. This would exclude the adjustment value entries that reverse the cost amounts posted.

I'm sure other people have come up with other solutions so I would be interested to hear them.

Any help appreciated,



  • dynavigator1dynavigator1 Member Posts: 8

    The Standard Dynamics NAV Purchase Order can be used in two steps here:

    Book the Purchase Order with Direct Unit Cost set to Zero.

    Receive the stock into the warehouse. No impact on the GL at this point.

    For the entire month sell the items with different sales price.

    A report is generated at the month end for the Consignment Item Sales.

    The Purchase Invoice is now posted for the actual quantity and the amount (x%). This percentage has to be manually calculated or calculate this in the consignment report itself.

    After posting the Purchase Invoice the COGS created for this item will be adjusted according to the new cost (If you are using Average Costing Method)

    Hope this helps.


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