Exporting data to Excel using "Excel Buffer"

viriatoviriato Member Posts: 105
I'm using the "Excel Buffer" record to export data. Does anybody know how i can format a field to a type percentage for example? Or is it even possible?



  • cpinacpina Member Posts: 52
    The Excel format is very awful.

    I run the macro Excel, and copy the format which my customer need, and copy the macro format in the column NumberFormat of the table Excel buffer.

    I use "0.00%" format and copy in the function.

    EnterCell(RowNo : Integer;ColumnNo : Integer;CellValue : Text[250];Bold : Boolean;Italic : Boolean;UnderLine : Boolean;ForeColor : Bool*****
    TempExcelBuffer.VALIDATE("Row No.",RowNo);
    TempExcelBuffer.VALIDATE("Column No.",ColumnNo);
    TempExcelBuffer."Cell Value as Text" := CellValue;
    TempExcelBuffer.Formula := '';
    TempExcelBuffer.Bold := Bold;
    TempExcelBuffer.Italic := Italic;
    TempExcelBuffer.Underline := UnderLine;
    TempExcelBuffer.NumberFormat := NumberFormat;

    Where NumberFormat:='0.00%'

    OR '#.###.##0,00' Decimal OR '@' Text.
  • viriatoviriato Member Posts: 105

    Do you have or is there a tutorial available on how to use the syntax?
  • cpinacpina Member Posts: 52
    I don´t have any tutorial... Google, Macro - Excel,...
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