maximum line in Item Journal

richtsangrichtsang Member Posts: 41

I have not faced this scale before. So, hope someone can give me some advice.

My client intends to import 10M text file data to navision. He had tried to import 1M before. End up there are 30+ line in one item journal batch.

So, the question is "Any line limitation in one item journal batch? And any line limitation for posting". My client will do it in mid-night. So, it should not affect other users.

thanks in advance.



  • garakgarak Member Posts: 3,263
    edited 2008-12-10
    The max. Line No (integer field) can be 2147483647.
    So if you go with Lineno += 10000; you can "only" store 2147480000 lines. but you can also use LineNo += 1 (so you can create 2147483647 lines)
    If there is a limit on posting? I doesn't found one.
    But for a faster posting i would make split postings.
    So it's faster and if, for example in line 2147470000 is a error, the server mus not make a whole rollback for all lines.
    Do you make it right, it works too!
  • richtsangrichtsang Member Posts: 41
    Dear Garak,

    thanks for your reply

  • MBergerMBerger Member Posts: 413
    There is no rule that states that, when using code, you NEED to use 10000, 20000, 30000.... as line numbers. NAV does this so there is room to be able to insert new lines between existing ones. You can use 1,2,3 just as well, it won't matter.
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