How does the granule/priv system work

imurphyimurphy Member Posts: 308
I'm looking for documentation of some kind on how Nav 5.0 controls if a user should have access to an object or not.

With the standard Nav granules you can use the excellent findgranule tool from the downloads section to work out which granules are required to use a particular form. However I have a problem with a third party form (which is not supported) which simply doesn't appear in the users menu with their license. If I open the form from the object designer it displays:
You do not have permission to run the 'abcdefghijklm' Form.

Contact the system manager if you need to have your permissions changed.
the form is number 56200 - so should not require special granules to use it. With my license it works fine.

My question is how does this mechanism work? How do I work out, from scratch, why they can't open this form and how does the menusuite decide to display the link or not?

Can anyone point me to documentation which explains the permisioning system?


Ian Murphy


  • kapamaroukapamarou Member Posts: 1,152
    I would start with the following two steps:

    A) Check the customer's license. Your license may allow you to run the form, but the user's license might cover less objects in the 50000 range. Each license is accompanied by a text file specifying object ranges and granules. Check that file...

    B) Check the user's role permissions. Maybe there's something there.
  • imurphyimurphy Member Posts: 308
    I've already tried this with a user with the super role and it makes no difference what I have enabled.

    you say to check the customers license... but I've never seen anything which controls access to the 50xxx range of objects. I had always assumed that the whole 50xxx range was available for non-registered objects without restriction.

    Which granule controls this? All the granules this client has relate to MS base objects - or at least appear to.

  • kapamaroukapamarou Member Posts: 1,152
    The range 50000 to 59999 is available for customization. This does not mean that the customer can have 10000 Tables, Forms, Reports etc for free... They have to request / Buy additional object ranges for their license. However, a developer's license allows you to create any object within that range.

    In the text file describing the license, there is a part that describes additional object ranges purchased by the customer. These could start at 50000 or at some other range, since some 5xxxxx objects are automatically available if the customer has some special customer/developer license.
  • kapamaroukapamarou Member Posts: 1,152
  • imurphyimurphy Member Posts: 308
    Thanks for the link to Davids blog article - hadn't see that before. However it doesn't explain the mechanism behind how Nav decides.
    This is not a case of a client trying to create a form. They've had this form since go-live and we've only added 4 extra forms for them. We added a new form last week and no problems, so its not a problem with the number of forms rather with the object Id.

    Their license obviously gives them access to objects between 50000 and 5xxxx but the text of the license doesn't mention anything.

    When we signed up to resell navision we were given a collection of localized objects for Nav5.0 which we are able to use. Some of these objects are in the 56xxx range. Its obvious the client needs a granule to access these objects - but how do I work out which granules?

    This clients license doesn't specify anything about the 50xxx range so I assume there is an implicit granule which gives access to 50000-50xxx and not 56xxx

    I'd prefer to just understand how Nav decides than solve this particular problem but I'm not sure where to start.

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