Report to convert illegal date-values
This report 79001 is able to locate any illegal date-values in the database and convert this dates to the date 1. January 1900.
When converting af customer database from Native database to SQL, it is a well known issue that the Native database is able to handle data-fields from year 0000 (despite that this year is non existing) and SQL only is able to handle date-values from the year 1763.
Many native databases have date values in date-fields before the year 1763 often because the user had typed data wrong.
The problem occurs when restoring the company backup into SQL-database. It can be very difficult to locate all the date-values in the database and convert them to a value that is valid and handlebar for SQL. It is our experience that there often is several error related to this issue.
This report 79001 is able to locate any illegal date-values in the database and convert this dates to the date 1. January 1900.
Any values converted this way is stored in change-log.
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I like your idea about simply changing the data and then store it in the ChangeLog, but you seem to have forgotten DateTime fields. I have made a simular tool for both Date and DateTime fields, but without the ChangeLog. Maybe we should merge our solutions? :-)
The migrate.fob is actuelly pretty clever - it check the current timezone of the user to prevent creating illigal DateTime values. But unfortunatly it caused problems for me, when it results in Date and Time fields and DateTime fields that doesn't "match".
Yes, I am familiar with the Migrate.fob, but we had discovered several issues compiling the code, and the code becommes very big. Please contact me if you have other input for improvements.
Thank you
Mikael Hansen
This report 79001 is able to locate any illegal date-values in the database and convert this dates to the date 1. January>
When converting a customer database from Native database to SQL, it is a well known issue that the Native database is able to handle data-fields from year 0000 (despite that this year is non existing) and SQL only is able to handle date-values from the year 1763.
Many native databases have date values in date-fields before the year 1763 often because the user had typed data wrong.
The problem occurs when restoring the company backup into SQL-database. It can be very difficult to locate all the date-values in the database and convert them to a value that is valid and handlebar for SQL. It is our experience that there often is several error related to this issue.
This report 79001 is able to locate any illegal date-values in the database and convert this dates to the date 1. January 1764.
Any values converted this way is stored in change-log.
Version 2 also handle DateTime fields.
Discuss this download here.