Reports - Avoid data cuts between pages

viriatoviriato Member Posts: 105
I created a report where i am printing out data from several divisions, sometimes the data for a division ends up at the end of the page and at the top of the next page.

What I would like to do is when a situation like this is detected I would like to move the entire division to the next page. Is there a function that can tell me where I am located within a page?

My question is how can i control this in order to avoid it? Is it possible to do it through code.

Many thanks.


  • MBergerMBerger Member Posts: 413
    Check ouy the "KeepWithNext" properties of the sections. you can probably fiddle around a bit with those.
  • SogSog Member Posts: 1,023
    You can also edit the dataitem, like the 'new page per record' and 'new page per group' setting
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  • viriatoviriato Member Posts: 105
    Thanks guys.
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