getting data from different tables and inserting to another

asemberengasembereng Member Posts: 220
I want to get data from the employee, allowance and loan table base on the employee number and insert them them to the history table. How can i do that please?


  • DaveTDaveT Member Posts: 1,039
    I'd need a little more detail but the idea is:

    Create a report off the employee tables
    in the onaftergetrecord use record variables for the allowance and loan table to get the info.
    insert the data into the history table using a record variable.

    If you can give a full description, I can can put some meat on these bones :wink:
    Dave Treanor

    Dynamics Nav Add-ons
  • asemberengasembereng Member Posts: 220
    the employee table i only need to get the empid, use the empid to go through the allowance table select all allowances related to this employee, sum it, store it a variable, like wise the loan table then insert it into the history table. the history table has fields; line no., empid, allowances, loan, month, basic pay and net. the net will be (allowances + basic pay) - loan.
    Is this explanation good? let me know if you need more explanation. thank you.
  • DaveTDaveT Member Posts: 1,039

    Create a report off the employee table.
    Create a record variable for Allowance and Loan then in the onaftergetrecord put
    totalallowance := 0;
    Allowance.setrange( empid, employee."No." );
    if allowance.findset then
        totalallowance += allowance.value;
      until = 0;
    If the value is a sumindex field then you can use calcsums function.
    Do the same for loan and then insert into the history file.
    Dave Treanor

    Dynamics Nav Add-ons
  • asemberengasembereng Member Posts: 220
    Thanks alot.. I tested it and it inserted the allowance into the table. Loan History table has a field called called id and it should auto increment. I did that on the field property but whenever i want to insert something it tells me the id no exist. is there anyway that i can make the field auto increment to the next number anytime i want to insert something there? Thanks once more
  • DaveTDaveT Member Posts: 1,039

    From a form yes you can use the Autosplitkey property but you will have to code it here.

    use similar code to
    GetNextLineNo(SalesLine : Record "Sales Line") : Integer
    SalesLine.SETRANGE("Document Type",SalesLine."Document Type");
    SalesLine.SETRANGE("Document No.",SalesLine."Document No.");
    NextLineNo := 10000;
    IF SalesLine.FIND('+') THEN
      NextLineNo := SalesLine."Line No." + 10000;
    Dave Treanor

    Dynamics Nav Add-ons
  • asemberengasembereng Member Posts: 220
    I tried that but i am having an error message " id 10000 does not exist"
  • DaveTDaveT Member Posts: 1,039

    Can you post the code so we can have a look
    Dave Treanor

    Dynamics Nav Add-ons
  • asemberengasembereng Member Posts: 220
    Employee - OnPreDataItem()
    Employee - OnAfterGetRecord()
    his.empid := empid;
    totalallowance := 0;
    Allowance.SETRANGE( empid, Employee.empid );
    IF Allowance.FINDSET THEN
        totalallowance += Allowance.Amount;
      UNTIL Allowance.NEXT = 0;
    his.amount := totalallowance; := GetNextLine(his);
    Employee - OnPostDataItem()
    GetNextLine(his : Record his) : Integer
    his.SETRANGE(empid, Employee.empid);
    NextLineNo := 10000;
    IF his.FIND('+') THEN
      NextLineNo := + 10000;
  • DaveTDaveT Member Posts: 1,039

    I think your problem is that you have a his.MODIFY instead of a his.INSERT
    Dave Treanor

    Dynamics Nav Add-ons
  • asemberengasembereng Member Posts: 220
    Thank you very much.. I really appreciate the help. Its working now..
    Sorry but how can i prevent default value like zero being stored on a field that has a relations to another table. what happens is this; by default that field stores zero and in the relation table zero is not an id. So when i run the report it complains of id zero does not exist. I tried changing the minimum value on the field to 1 but that doesnt help. Is there anyway i can handle this?
  • asemberengasembereng Member Posts: 220
    Now i am using a form to enter data into two different table.. First the code process loan information on the loan table then update the fields on the loan table and is should also insert into the loan history but should check wether the employee number and the the date field data before dumping the data into the loan_history table. So far this is the code i have written but i am having the error " 0 does not exist"
     loan.SETFILTER("Freeze Loan",'No');
     IF (loan.balance > 0.0) THEN BEGIN
          op_bal := loan.balance;
          cl_bal := loan.balance - loan.monthly_pay;
          paidoff := loan.loan_amount - cl_bal;
          loan.paidoffamount := paidoff;
          loan.balance := cl_bal;
       { //insert into loan history table. += 1;
          history.op_balance:= op_bal;
         history.ded_amount := loan.monthly_pay;
         history.int_amount := loan.monthly_int;
         history.loan_id :=;
         history.MODIFY; }
      UNTIL loan.NEXT = 0;
    //display result on a report

    can someone please help me?
  • DaveTDaveT Member Posts: 1,039
    Without seeing the full code I am assuming that you are getting the error in the code commented out by the {}. This is because you have a a MODIFY command instead of an INSERT. Basically use INSERT to add a record and MODIFY to amend an existing record.
    Dave Treanor

    Dynamics Nav Add-ons
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