[Resolved] - Nav 5.0 Menusuite Assign Users

jflynnjflynn Member Posts: 34
Does anyone know how to make "Assign User" functionality work using Active Directory Groups instead of users. It lists the groups when I right click in the Menusuite designer and choose "Assign Users", but does not seem to work on groups. It works great on users.


  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    if you search the forum for Assign User Groups


    there are many posts that might help... Here's one to get you started

  • jflynnjflynn Member Posts: 34
    I had tried searching on this first. I performed your suggested search and it return 0 results.

    My groups work great with Roles and Permissions. It's just in Object Designer, Menusuite, pick object 90, design, then right click on a menu and "assign users". This is were I'm having a issue with AD Groups. Also tested different scenarios on in different Databases. Groups do not seem to work. I am using Standard Security.
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