Filter two textbox

clemboclembo Member Posts: 122
I have two textbox.
Txt1 is linked with recordset1.
Txt2 is linked with recordset2.

Form is linked with recordset3.

I want filetr Txt2 when I select a value (Lookup) from Txt1. But I cannot use Tablerelation..
How can I do this?


  • JPHSCJPHSC Member Posts: 67
    In the lookuptrigger from the textbox. ..

    IF Form.RUNMODAL(0, RecordSetLookup) = ACTION::LookupOK THEN
    RecordsetForm.SETRANGE(Field, Recordsetlookupfield);

    Something like this ?
  • garakgarak Member Posts: 3,263
    but don't use the lookup only when your textbox 1 is editable and the user can insert manuell datas.
    Because you need it then also on OnAfterValidate() (OrInputChange).
    But what is with the case that the form is opend or a new rec is loaded? So you need also the filter for recset2 when you scroll trough the recs or open the form.
    Do you make it right, it works too!
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