How to move goods from a central warehouse to a project

imurphyimurphy Member Posts: 308
This is a user type question rather than dev. I'm using Nav 5.0 Spanish.

Normally you buy goods for a project and have them delivered to a particular warehouse for a particular job. If you buy generic goods - lets say electrical cable which you use all the time - and store them in a main warehouse (A), you then need to send those goods out to the job store area (warehouse B) for use on a particular job.

This implies two actions - a warehouse transfer and job consumption of these goods from the warehouse. However you have to wait for delivery before consuming or otherwise you get negative inventory warnings when you go to consume. This implies waiting for delivery and also having to retype everything twice. Making life more complicated than it could be.

The only relevant functions I know of withing Nav 5 are
1) Items/Transfer Order: A form for performing transfers between warehouses but which does not make any reference to a project.

2) In the job journals you can specify Job and Location codes when consuming goods from the central warehouse (A), but this does not generate stock movements between the warehouses as it consumes directly from warehouse A.

Anyone able to give me suggestions as to a simpler way to achieve this? What I was hoping would exist was a ship-and-assign-to-a-job type function, much like a purchase order. But it looks as if I'm going to have to develop this.. hopefully not. [-o<

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