I would prefer if you would install the
bookmark mod for this forum.
Here are many many topics which are important for me and if I come back some days/weeks later, I didn't find them because they moved to any further page.
If I could set a bookmark on this topics, I could easily find them.
Please install the bookmark mod.
Bookmark Mod 1.1.0b
This mod allows registered users to keep bookmarks of topics they are interested in.
Author: Philipp Kordowich
Thanks for your feedback!
Registered users will see a new menu at the top of the page called "Bookmarks" (next to "Search the forum"). Here you can manage the bookmarks you have set. At each topic, there is a new option called "Set a bookmark for this topic". If you have already bookmarked the topic, the option will be "Remove the bookmark for this topic".
And finally in your profile, there is a new option called "Set bookmark automatically when posting".
Have fun with it.
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Developer since 1997
MSDynamics.de - German Microsoft Dynamics Community - member of [clip]