Calculate date time and show Ranges

tazzy30tazzy30 Member Posts: 52
Hello everyone,

I am trying to create a report to show the status of orders at different scanning stations (i.e. order raised, despatched etc) this includes Scan Time, Scan Date, Time Out, Date Range, Time Lapsed, Range of Time Lapses. I have calculated the time lapsed however this does not take into account the days (scan date) if the order had left previous scanning station on a different date.

I have also inserted the following code in order to show a range of dates and times lapsed it works for the Scan date but not for the time lapsed any ideas?

NextTimeFound := FALSE;

orderTrack.SETRANGE("Order No.","Order No.");
IF orderTrack.FIND('-') THEN REPEAT
IF orderTrack."Station No." = "Station No." THEN BEGIN
TimeOut := orderTrack."Scan Time";
NextTimeFound := TRUE;
UNTIL (orderTrack.NEXT = 0) OR (NextTimeFound);

TimeLapsed := TimeOut - "Scan Time";
TLapsed := 000000T + TimeLapsed;

IF orderTrack.FIND('-') THEN
FirstDate := orderTrack."Scan Date";
FirstTime := TLapsed;
IF orderTrack.FIND('+') THEN
LastDate := orderTrack."Scan Date";
LastTime := TLapsed;

dateRange := FORMAT(FirstDate)+'..'+FORMAT(LastDate);
LapsedTimeRange := FORMAT(FirstTime)+'..'+FORMAT(LastTime);
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