NAV 5.0SP1 ODBC Driver - Blank Dates

Jonathan2708Jonathan2708 Member Posts: 552

It seems that the ODBC driver has changed between 3.70 and 5.0SP1 with regards to returning blank dates - 3.70 returned them as 01/01/1753 whereas they are now returned as blank columns. Has anybody else noticed this? Is there a way in the SELECT query to replace blank values with 01/01/1753? (Like the CASE statement in SQL Server)



  • SofDanielSofDaniel Member Posts: 7
    It depends on the tool you are using :

    With Access you can use this syntax in the select clause :
    Ex: iif(isnull([adate]), '01/01/1753', [adate])

    With Sql server use testnull function in the select clause :
    Ex : testnull(adate, '01/01/1753')

    I don't know if there is a more general answer to that problem.
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