Dimension filter on Cust. ledger entries

John_Cage001John_Cage001 Member Posts: 9
Hi everyone,
Coulld someone help me with this.
When I put a filter on dimensions (for instance the Cronus Global Dimension 1: Departement) the filter is never applied on the Cust. Ledger entries. For instance if I look at the Customer statistics (F9 on cust card) to see the Sales (LCY) statistics. The filter has no effect. This is in a Cronus Std database 4 and 5. What am I doing wrong?
Thank You for your help.


  • Aske_HolstAske_Holst Member Posts: 13
    Are you setting a FlowFilter?
    Test using shiftt+F7 to set a filter on a global dimension.
    If you are in a standard 5.0 Cronus you might need to enable some keys in Details Cust. Ledger Entries.
  • John_Cage001John_Cage001 Member Posts: 9
    Tks, I had to add some keys in sales line, value entry, cust. ledger entry and detailed cust ledger entry.
    So now F9 works fine with the flow filter on Global dimension 1.
    Next question:
    How can I apply these kind of filter in report 111 Cust. Top 10?
  • Aske_HolstAske_Holst Member Posts: 13
    Just run the report.
    On the request form add a flow filter field e.g. Department Code or what ever your have as a global dimension.
    The set a filter value in filter field.

    So this i possible to do for the enduser without any changes (assuming all required keys are enabled).
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