3.7 - Revaluation Journal and Adjust Cost Batch issue

jversusjjversusj Member Posts: 489
Hello all,
I just skimmed through 40 threads about the adjust cost - item entries batch job and did not see anything relating to my specific problem.

We are running 3.7 objects on a 5.0 executable in SQL 2005.

A user posted an item revaluation Journal in October against a Positive Adj. ILE from August. Value Entries have the August posting date, as expected from reading the online help files, BUT the G/L entry was posted by the Adjust Cost - Item Entries batch job in APRIL!! weird! :-k there are no item ledger entries before 8/5/08. Obviously, posting back to april from august is causing grief with the Auditors! :)

The batch job is running nightly via NAS (automatically) - it's posting date range is limited on User Setup. We have Automatic Cost Posting enabled on Inventory Setup.

Recap: I have an item journal entry posted 8/5/08. value entries posted 8/5/08. G/L entry posted 4/2/08.

any ideas?
kind of fell into this...


  • Alex_ChowAlex_Chow Member Posts: 5,063
    What version of 3.7 are you using? ACIE in v3.7 acts differently than v3.7b.
  • jversusjjversusj Member Posts: 489
    Version NA 3.70.B (5.0)

    thanks in advance for any suggestions...
    kind of fell into this...
  • Alex_ChowAlex_Chow Member Posts: 5,063
    You want to check whether the inventory was posted into negatives before the positive adjustments has been made. It may be the case that the positive adjustment was done to offset the negative inventory in April.

    Nonetheless, if you set the Allow posting from on the general ledger setup, the ACIE process will not post before the date specified.
  • jversusjjversusj Member Posts: 489
    there are no item ledger entries or value entries before the August 2008 date - yet the G/L Entry the system posted is dated to April.

    the item in question has a BOM. it was produced via a job journal on 8/5/08. it has 4 components going into it.

    The re-valuation was applied to the ILE related to the Job Journal posting (a positive adjustment).

    does this info trigger any other ideas on what can be happening?

    edit: we do use the Allow posting from - allow posting to dates in the user setup, as well as on the general setup. it still posted back to april.
    edit: Costing Method: Average
    kind of fell into this...
  • Alex_ChowAlex_Chow Member Posts: 5,063
    There's gotta be more. There's no reason NAV would post back into April if you had no transactions in April.
  • jversusjjversusj Member Posts: 489
    seriously, no ILE for this item prior to august, although 1 of the 4 components in the items BOM had ILE entries in April. I wouldn't think that would impact the finished good...

    where else can i look?
    kind of fell into this...
  • jversusjjversusj Member Posts: 489
    more info:
    the revaluation journal posted before the 1 i am currently looking into appears to have posted correctly:

    VE posting date 7/14/08
    VE Valuation date 7/14/08
    VE Document date 7/03/08
    G/L posting date 8/13/08

    the journal posted after the 1 i am looking into also appears to have posted correctly.

    i use the word appears because maybe i do not know what i should be looking at. besides the VE and the ILE, what else should i be looking at when comparing to the G/L posting?
    kind of fell into this...
  • nancamnancam Member Posts: 1
    What was the posting date used during the adjust cost process, and what periods were open in the g/l setup when the process was run. KB article 861774 addresses the posting date issue in NAV 3.7. If they had used 4/1/08 as the posting date, the entire adjust cost entry could have hit 4/1/08 regardless of the original entry date.
  • jversusjjversusj Member Posts: 489
    nancam wrote:
    What was the posting date used during the adjust cost process, and what periods were open in the g/l setup when the process was run. KB article 861774 addresses the posting date issue in NAV 3.7. If they had used 4/1/08 as the posting date, the entire adjust cost entry could have hit 4/1/08 regardless of the original entry date.
    thanks, yeah, that would make sense and it was my first guess - but we have the change log turned on for these fields and they were set back to august 5th 2008 only.

    the adjust cost process is run by a NAS session, it's user date range was 8/5/08..10/31/08 when it was run on october 15. the G/L setup dates have also been locked down to the current month (essentially). at the time this cost routine was run, the g/l setup range was the month of october.

    i have noticed that the accting team here does not close months - they will close a year when the time comes, but not the months as they pass.

    so, i would therefore expect the following, please correct me if i misunderstand how the cost adjustment process works.
    i post a sale oct 1 2008, VE, ILE, G/L postings are made.
    In November, we revalue the product that was sold oct 1. since the accounting month is open, it will post the value entry back to the same day as the original sale - regardless of the user's allowable posting dates. The Post Cost to G/L routine runs and posts the G/L entries for the adjustment - but using which posting date? The NAS agent is supposed to look to see if the date the system wants to use is within the Users allowable range, and if not, it uses TODAY. It does not appear that worked here - unless somehow the server date was changed back 6 months?

    edit: dumb question, but where can i get the article you mention? is it in customersource, or do i find it at microsoft.com? if it is only on partnersource, i cannot get at it.
    kind of fell into this...
  • Alex_ChowAlex_Chow Member Posts: 5,063
    My guess is the problem is on your NAS agent running the ACIE process. How are you updating the Closed Period Entry Posting Date on the ACIE process using NAS?
  • jversusjjversusj Member Posts: 489
    Alex Chow wrote:
    My guess is the problem is on your NAS agent running the ACIE process. How are you updating the Closed Period Entry Posting Date on the ACIE process using NAS?
    the NASagent comes in through a codeunit that fires off a series of reports sequentially. It runs the adjust cost report and the runs the post cost to g/l report. OnInitReport for the post cost to g/l job, some variables are set, including the posting date := WORKDATE, posting method := "By Entry", and post boolean := TRUE option.

    there is then this code OnAfterGetRecord for ItemValueEntry dataitem:
    IF (PostMethod = PostMethod::"per Entry") AND Post THEN BEGIN
      IF IsPostingAllowed("Posting Date") THEN
        InvtPost.PostInvtPostBufPerEntry("Posting Date",ItemValueEntry)
    IF Post THEN
    the PostDate variable is the one set OnInitReport. there are no Item Ledger Entries for this item in April, so that is what has me very confused.
    kind of fell into this...
  • Alex_ChowAlex_Chow Member Posts: 5,063
    nancam wrote:
    What was the posting date used during the adjust cost process, and what periods were open in the g/l setup when the process was run. KB article 861774 addresses the posting date issue in NAV 3.7. If they had used 4/1/08 as the posting date, the entire adjust cost entry could have hit 4/1/08 regardless of the original entry date.

    Check the reply by nancam. My guess is that this is your problem.
  • jversusjjversusj Member Posts: 489
    Alex Chow wrote:
    nancam wrote:
    What was the posting date used during the adjust cost process, and what periods were open in the g/l setup when the process was run. KB article 861774 addresses the posting date issue in NAV 3.7. If they had used 4/1/08 as the posting date, the entire adjust cost entry could have hit 4/1/08 regardless of the original entry date.

    Check the reply by nancam. My guess is that this is your problem.
    i was able to find the article on customer source. from what i can gather, the system was never fed an april date - yet that is where the G/L posted. I understand what the article suggests, but wonder if that is really the problem here.
    kind of fell into this...
  • jversusjjversusj Member Posts: 489
    after more digging, i can find no evidence that anyone manually ran the job (and thus entered the April posting date) and found no evidence that the server clock or NAS session had its WorkDate manipulated. It appears this was a real glitch and I'll probably have to sit back and wait for it to happen again.

    Can you confirm that part of the problem is that they are not closing months as the year rolls along? The posting date on the batch jobs is only used if the system cannot post back to the original date, correct? i've already confirmed via change log that nobody altered the allow from/to posting dates to include April, but April was not 'closed' as a period. I have read the online help on this, as well as some knowledge base articles, but it gets confusing. I don't see how it posted G/L entries to April, when the user and system allow dates should have prevented that.
    kind of fell into this...
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