Additional currency in Vat Entries

KoenKKoenK Member Posts: 7
Hi All,

We activated the Additional Reporting Currency option.
LCY = US Dollars, Add. Currency is set to EUR.

When we post documents (sales invoices, purchase invoices, etc.), the additional currency amounts are calculated correct.
However, when we look at the Vat entries, some Add. Currency Base amounts are NOT recalculated into EUR. Add. Currency Vat Amounts are all recalculated into EUR for mthe correct amounts.

So, case:
G/L Entries:
Posting Date Document Type G/L Account No. Amount Additional-Currency Amount
15-04-08 Invoice 66280 164,90 105,03
15-04-08 Invoice 22090 31,33 19,96
15-04-08 Invoice 20010 -196,23 -124,99

Vat Entries:
Posting Date Document Type Type Base Additional-Currency Base Amount Additional-Currency Amount
15-04-08 Invoice Purchase 164,90 164,90 31,33 19,96

Database is set up to use US Tax system (Tax Group, Tax Jurisdiction, etc.), Not European Vat (Tax Business Posting Group, etc.).

Does anyone know why Vat Base amounts sometimes are recalculated, and sometimes not? There's no common info when it does and when it does not. Not the dates, not the currency code, not ....



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