Navision newbie on 3.70...
We are getting ready to go live and I'm building reports and tweaking our system. When I try adding a field to the Customer table and then saving compiled, I get the error messasge: Your program license does not permit you to create the *Field Name* field in the Customer table."
Our reseller logged into our system as me and says he does not get the error and isn't sure what the problem is (which is his usual response to my troubleshooting questions - but that's another post). I have deleted the .zup file on my machine and even tried reinstalling the client to no avail. I am getting the same error from any workstation I try it from. I even tried creating a new user with SUPER rights.
We are using database logins and my Role is SUPER and ALL. I'm not sure of our reseller has set me up not to break things, but I want to be God on our system...what Roles do I need for that? Is there a way to tell in the license file if I do indeed have rights to add fields to tables? Any suggestions or advice would be most welcome.
Looks like you are trying to create a field with name as 'Field Name', since 'Field Name' is a reserved word you cannot create Field Name as a field. Try creating a field with any other name and you should be able to as long you have the Table Designer License.
I used *Field Name* as a generic example, I'm not actually trying to call it that. I've tried a number of different field names to no avail.
Thanks for the reply...
Its quite normal that Microsoft these days messes up the license file. Please ask your solution center to check the license file. If you have have bought Table Designer then something is wrong with your license and you should be able to add new fields.
Should be between 50000-100000. This is known as user area... If at later time fields are added in standard Navision or by NTR, you don't have "overlaping" problem when merging old & new versions...
That is exactly what was happening. I know I need to save new tables, reports and forms in the 50,000 range, but did not realize it went a level deeper into the field IDs. I was letting Navision auto-number my new fields.
I can add fields and it all makes perfect sense now. When I am a Navision Developer ZenMaster, I will laugh about this some day.
Many thanks for all the replies.
*Baz wimpers away with tail between legs*
BTW, your NSC should know this !
How long are they in the NSC business ? Since your post or since my reply...
And how many people are working with Navison ? Both of them ?