User error

vikram7_dabasvikram7_dabas Member Posts: 611
I have created the Subcontracting order When I am sending its components it is showing me error:Another user has modified the record for the sub Order Component list after you retrieved from databse.Enter your changes again in the updated window,or start the interrupted activity again.
Identification fields and values:
Document No.=T8So00001,Document Line No. ='10000',Parent Item No.= 'I00019872',Line No.='10000'.
This error comes again and again I have log out many times again it is showing me the same error.What I have to do?
Vikram Dabas
Navision Technical Consultant


  • garakgarak Member Posts: 3,263
    Do you have here customized code?
    If yes, lets see your code.
    Do you make it right, it works too!
  • vikram7_dabasvikram7_dabas Member Posts: 611
    Dear Garak
    I am using Nav4.0SP3 Indian Version.Yes there is little bit customization.Code added in codeunit 16360 on OnRun trigger of Codeunit 16360 given below my code is started with tag //TRI SUB V.D 21.08.08 and ("Actual Consumed Qty." and Actual Qty at Vendor Location) are own customized fields in SubOrder ComponentList table(ID 16321)

    IF SubConSend THEN BEGIN
    SubOrderComponentList.SETFILTER(SubOrderComponentList."Document No.","Document No.");
    SubOrderComponentList.SETRANGE(SubOrderComponentList."Document Line No.","Line No.");
    SubOrderComponentList.SETFILTER( SubOrderComponentList."Parent Item No.","No.");
    IF SubOrderComponentList."Quantity To Send" <> 0 THEN BEGIN
    SubOrderComponentList."Quantity To Send" := 0;
    IF SubOrderComponentList."Qty. for Rework" <> 0 THEN BEGIN
    SubOrderComponentList."Qty. for Rework" := 0;

    //TRI SUB V.D 21.08.08 START
    tgActualQtyAtVenLoction := 0;
    SubOrderComponentList.CALCFIELDS(SubOrderComponentList."Total Qty at Vendor Location",SubOrderComponentList."Actual Consumed Qty.");

    tgActualQtyAtVenLoction := SubOrderComponentList."Total Qty at Vendor Location" - SubOrderComponentList."Actual Consumed Qty.";
    IF tgActualQtyAtVenLoction < 0 THEN
    SubOrderComponentList."Actual Qty at Vendor Location" := 0
    SubOrderComponentList."Actual Qty at Vendor Location" := tgActualQtyAtVenLoction;
    //TRI SUB V.D 21.08.08 STOP

    UNTIL SubOrderComponentList.NEXT = 0;
    "Qty. to Reject (Rework)" := 0;
    "Deliver Comp. For" := 0;
    Vikram Dabas
    Navision Technical Consultant
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