
Daily stock account

lallylally Member Posts: 323
Hi Masters,

Can i know when the report Daily stock account will have the Value ?

Because the Table DSA does not contain any data even i done the Production transactions an item which contain Excise posting group setups.

Please plet me know when it contain the data in that table ?

Thanks and regards


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    lallylally Member Posts: 323
    Experts Please help me to comeot from this problem.......... ](*,)
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    codercoder Member Posts: 16

    You will have to generate DSA records on daily basis.
    Goto Financial Management -> General Ledger -> Periodic Activities -> Excise -> Generate DSA

    Run this report, selected item, location and date.

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    chrispaulchrispaul Member Posts: 174
    Hi Lally

    DSA will have the data whenever there is a transaction to/from company location - outside location.

    It will not be efected by production transactions.

    Still i suggest you to
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    ssinglassingla Member Posts: 2,973
    chrispaul wrote:
    Hi Lally

    DSA will have the data whenever there is a transaction to/from company location - outside location.

    It will not be efected by production transactions.

    Still i suggest you to

    Daily Stock Account is for stock of Goods in factory premises, it has nothing to do with to/from transactions.
    CA Sandeep Singla
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    NavrookieNavrookie Member Posts: 83
    Hi Experts,

    I have few queries regarding Daily Stock Account ( I am usind Nav 4.0 sp3 - including all 6 hotfixes)

    a)Is there any setup to be given for Item to generate DSA report

    b) When I post Positive entry the value is not showing in the Manufactured qty.. will it not show the positive entry.

    c) When I post the return entry through return order.. Excise paid amount is increasing..

    Thanks in Advance


    The Art of Walking in Water is to know Where Stones Are..
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    vijayandersonvijayanderson Member Posts: 207
    a)Is there any setup to be given for Item to generate DSA report.

    yes( Not sure check out with experts), In item master the Replenishment should be prod order

    b) When I post Positive entry the value is not showing in the Manufactured qty.. will it not show the positive entry.

    No, it will show.. It will show the Positive entry in Other qty.

    c) When I post the return entry through return order.. Excise paid amount is increasing.

    I dont know, even I am having same problem.. If any one know please lemme know

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