Refresh own form

tompynationtompynation Member Posts: 398
Hi, i made an adaption to the Sales Price Worksheet so that you can now work with different batches (Like in the Req. Worksheet)

Now everything is working fine except that i am not able to update the form.

What i mean is that when the users press Functions ==> 'Suggest Sales Price On Wksht.'
then the following is executed:



So this report creates the Sales Price Worksheet lines, but i'm not able to update the tablebox...

i already tried CurrForm.UPDATE(FALSE); but that didnt worked either.

How could i refresh the form so that it shows the newly created lines?


  • tompynationtompynation Member Posts: 398
    can anybody tell me how the Req. Worksheet makes the refresh when you press the "Calculate Plan" function?
  • tompynationtompynation Member Posts: 398
    ok, solved by adding following method under the report call:

    OpenJnl(VAR CurrentJnlBatchName : Code[10];VAR SalesPriceLine : Record "Sales Price Worksheet")
    CheckTemplateName(SalesPriceLine.GETRANGEMAX("Worksheet Template Name"),CurrentJnlBatchName);
    SalesPriceLine.FILTERGROUP := 2;
    SalesPriceLine.SETRANGE("Journal Batch Name",CurrentJnlBatchName);
    SalesPriceLine.FILTERGROUP := 0;
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