Copy Information - Setup Checklist

sabzamsabzam Member Posts: 1,149
Hi Everybody,

A client of mine is using the Setup Checklist to copy the information from one company to another. Still for some reason the process which used to take some minutes is now processed in around half an hour. Can anyhone list any possible reason for this issue?




  • vicbillvicbill Member Posts: 12
    Well, there are several reasons. What is the demand on the server, how much memory do you have on the server and/or client, what is the demand on the network.
    This is a memory and network intensive process. I had this happen once and as a result went to the server room, installed Nav on another server that was on the same dedicated gigabit router as the Nav server and the copy was almost instantaneous.

    Hope this helps,
  • sabzamsabzam Member Posts: 1,149
    The issue over here is that from the same computer, from the same user, everything the same but one company is incredibly slow whislt other companeis perform as usual!!

    Anyone has got a possible idea for this issue?
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