I need to pass the guid's of selected records in GridView of Account entity to an aspx page with out using query string and also not using modal dialog.
var oSelected = new Array();
var i = 0;
var oGrid = document.getElementById("gridBodyTable");
if (oGrid) {
var oItems = oGrid.getElementsByTagName("TD");
if (oItems) {
for (j=0; j<oItems.length; j++) {
if (oItems[j].className == "ms-crm-List-SelectedRow") {
oSelected = oItems[j].getAttribute("oid");
i += 1;
At last oSelected consists of array of Guids. You might need to maintain this as a function, attach it in something like crmGrid.attachEvent("onselectionchange", funcName)
Try this idea, hope can help...
var oSelected = new Array();
var i = 0;
var oGrid = document.getElementById("gridBodyTable");
if (oGrid) {
var oItems = oGrid.getElementsByTagName("TD");
if (oItems) {
for (j=0; j<oItems.length; j++) {
if (oItems[j].className == "ms-crm-List-SelectedRow") {
oSelected = oItems[j].getAttribute("oid");
i += 1;
At last oSelected consists of array of Guids. You might need to maintain this as a function, attach it in something like crmGrid.attachEvent("onselectionchange", funcName)
*Not supported yaa...
May you please make your point clear? Actually what is your requirement?
Tell how will you call your custom aspx page when you click an account