Readjesting cost item entries

hai experts

I have problem about costadjestment item entries.
I have an Item A with Different Vaiants.. Let say , The Variants are 100gms,500gms,1kg,200gms. When I created this Item,I selected the Costing method as 'AVERAGE' . But for this variants has different UnitCost for Purchase. And we started posting ledgers for this Item with all the variants for all type of Modules.Say as Purchase,Sales,Production..etc...

Here starts My problem, when I Run the Adjust Cost Entries BAtch job ,The Inventory setUp is Average Cost calc Type is 'ITEM wise' It is caluculating the Cost as an average for all the variants. After Runnnig the BAtch Job , then I Changed the 'Average Cost Calc Type ' in Inventory setUp as 'Item & Location & Variant' .After POsting One New entry In the Ledgers , I Again RUn the ADjust Cost Entries Batch Job. But, the cost is caluculating the as AVERAGE for all the variants

Now I created a New Database ...

Here I Created the New Item B with Costing Method as FIFO. With Differnt Kind of variants as Above. When I Posted Ledgers for this Item as said Before. Here, In the Invemtory setUp the 'Average Cost Calc Type' is 'ITEM'. Now I Run the Abjust Cost Entries Batch Job. IT is Adjusting the Cost as Variant Wise.

For Item A I want to Adjust The cost as variant wise not Like as an average for all the varaints..

For this can I proceed Like this...

For the Item A , Can I change the Costing Method from 'AVERAGE' to 'FIFO'. and After posting the New Ledgers for the Item A. And Run the Batch Job to Adjust the Cost for this Item.

Is this the correct way to proceed or is there any way to Adjust the Cost for the Item A as Variant wise...

Please Help in Resolving this Issue..

Thanks & Regards..


  • darshanmdarshanm Member Posts: 280

    First you decide which costing method should be followed.
    Once the value entries are posted for an item, its costing method can not be changed.
    Darshan Mungekar
    Senior Consultan
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