Submit variabels between 2 Forms

JKoBJKoB Member Posts: 40

I created a new Form called „SalesTextLine“.
On Open it shows me all existing lines of table 57110 “Sales Extended Text Line”.

What I want is a button which shows me only the Sales Lines of the Order I am coming from when pushing it.

What I do / did:
- Created Form “SalesTextLine”
- Opened Form 42 “Sales Order”
- Created Global “PickAdvise” – Form - “SalesTextLine”
- Created new cmdbutton
-> Onpush: SalesTextLine.RUNDMODAL;

What I need now is a filter on the “Document No.” in the new Form which has to be equal to the “No.” of the SalesHeader i am coming from.

1. How do I commit this variabel?
2. How exactly do I set the Filter?

I tried this:
PickAdvise.SETRANGE(“Document No.”, “SalesHeader”.”No.”);

Thx 4 advise…



  • MBergerMBerger Member Posts: 413
    No need to do this via code.

    Make a button :
    - set "pushaction" to runObject
    - set "Runobject" to the form you want to open
    - use RunFormlink to set your link
  • JKoBJKoB Member Posts: 40
    Took me some time to figure out how the Filter works...

    But finally i made it workin'

    Thx for the quick reply!

    Cya, Jakob
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