I want to make MenuItem "Calc. Standard Cost" from Item Card to become Disable by putting some statement on "OnActivateForm" trigger of Item Card.
I've tried this by putting some statement like this :
"CurrForm.Control103.Control123.ENABLED(FALSE);" while Control103 is the Name for Function Button and Control123 is the name for MenuItem Calc. Standard Cost. But the result always error when compiled.
Someone from Navi informed me that it is not possible to change the properties from menuitems from C/Side.
Is there anyone have an idea?
But a workaround could be, at least if you only want to control a few menuitems, have multiple menu-buttons on top of each other, as these can be controlled - and define your custom menus this way.
The only thing you can control is if one of your menu-items has a boolean as sourceexpression. Then you can toggle a checkmark flag on the button. E.g. using this code on the OnPush() trigger will toggle the checkmark flag:
Boolean1 := NOT Boolean1;
Next time you open your menu, you will see the toggled checkmark in front of the menu-item.