Navigation Pane Odd Behavior in 5.01

jlmorris3jlmorris3 Member Posts: 11
We just migrated a company through the ranks from 3.6 to 5.01 and now, unless
they are assigned the 'Super' role, the menu items (tree structure) within
each Navigation Pane menu, are essentially gone. That is, for example, if
you open the Sales and Receiveables menu, rather than seeing the typical
"Sales", "Order Processing", etc. (trees) - it only shows "History" with only
one option under that menu which is "Navigate". This is the case for all
Menu's within the Navigation Pane. As a side note, I re-created the database
in-house on our SQL server and found the problem to be multiple references to
the MenuSuite in the 'All Users' role which fixed the problem in the test
environment; however it made no change in the clients envirorment. Any
suggestions Please!!


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