Quantity in revaluation Journal

ramon_navramon_nav Member Posts: 25

I have browsed through a lot of posts on this forum, but I cannot find the aswer for the following.

I want to revaluate the stock for a certain warehouse. First, I have run the Adjust Item Cost/Price batchfunction. After that I run the Calculate Inventory batch function in the Revaluation Journal. For item X this gives me a quantity of 1000. I am using the "standard" valuation method for the item.

I can not explain why it gives a quantity of 1000 in the revaluation journal. There is no stock (no open Item Ledger Entries). All incoming and outgoing transactions have been invoiced (last invoice is in 2006). These transactions have already been revaluated.

The standard cost for the variant (the client is using SKU's with item/location/variants configuartion) has been changed. Therefore, when I post this revaluation line, this will lead to a correction of the stock value, although there is no stock for this item, and all transactions are closed.

The client is working an NAV3.7 .

Any ideas?


  • AlexWileyAlexWiley Member Posts: 230
    Run your Inventory Valuation report or another inventory report and see what value it brings up. If it is 0 in the inventory reports and you are sure you have checked all of the ledgers then it is a bug. Also, test a different option for populating the journal with that report, such as basing it off last direct cost.

    This does prompt me to ask though, why are you trying to revalue an item with 0 inventory?
  • ramon_navramon_nav Member Posts: 25
    Hi Alex,

    Thanks for your reply!

    I re-read my original post, I have made a mistake: the first step I took was to run the "Adjust Item Cost - Item Entries" report R795), instead "of Adjust Item Cost/Price" (R794).

    Actually, I don't want to revaluate the stock for this item. But we found this situation during an other correction that we are applying in the customer database. For this correction we need to run the revaulation (with the option "calculation by: item - location - variant" set). The customer has about ten-thousant items with multiple variant (totalling to roughly 50000 sku's).

    We were checking random samples to see if everything was working according to plan. Than we found out that some items that are added to the journal by the "Calculate Inventory Value" report, are not on stock at all and are completely invoiced etc. And these are items that are not "touched" by the correction we are working on.

    We have an example of an item that has not been on stock for the last 2 years. When I run the report 1001 (Inventory Valuation" for this item (with start/end date between 01-01-04 and 20-10-08), it gives me a stock quantity of 0 (273.110 in and 273.110 out), but a value of 323.68 euro's. This should already be zero, of course.

    As said before, the Calculate Inventory Value report in the Revaluation Journal comes up with a diferent number: 6776 pieces with an inventory value (calculated) of 61.932,64, and an inventory value (revaluated) of 32.931,36. We can, of course, make the latter equal to the first, but with several thousand lines in the journal it is impossible to checkthis item by item.

    So I can assume this a bug :shock: ?

    Oh, additionally: the client has deleted the SKU for this specific variant. If they would have kept this sku (with correct standard cost) the journal might give an inventory value (revaluation) equal to the calculated inventory... But saddly, that is an ideal world :roll:
  • AlexWileyAlexWiley Member Posts: 230
    50,000 SKUs? Wow! Well, are you able to identify this issue with only SKUs that have been deleted? If that seems to be the pattern I would find items that are pulling in correctly, go into a test system: delete 4-5 SKUs at 0 inventory and re-run the process. If they are gone and you feel comfortable that this is the issue I would do this:

    Pull the SKU list and Revaluation Journal into Excel, run VLOOKUP to determine what is missing from the SKU list and use that to validate the lines. Remember you can filter by variant or location to make the lists smaller and validate in sections.

    If it is not related just to SKUs which have been deleted, check to see if it has to do also with SKUs which have a different standard cost than their parent, if you use standard.

    Maybe (in test) put that SKU card back and block it and try to rerun it? Try running the Calculate Inventory report in sections, maybe by item number range or by Item Category/Posting group- does it have the same mistake at the exact same value? These are the things I would do to try to find the "pattern" of how the system is messing up.

    *EDIT* Oh, I forgot to mention that I have had to alter the batch in the past to meet client requirements. Perhaps running a second batch job that validates the inventory quantity and value based on what is in the ILE?
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