
Production Order Component Line Auto Reservation

dlauwersdlauwers Member Posts: 127
Working with NAV 4.0 sp3 SQL2005


Is there some setting that would allow me to automatically reserve the component lines (items) of a production order ? Our customer has the problem that when they make a sales order with reservation that everything is reserved what had to be ordered (via orderplanning and Purcase orders) but what was still in stock is not reserved.
They would like that once a production order is in firm planned that everything (stock, Purchase orders) on every level would be reserved so that everything that is needed for this production order is directly or indirectly (sub-production orders) linked to this production order and therefore also to the salesorder.

I tested this senario, but the items that are in stock do not automatically reserve on the production order lines (Items are set for reserve = always on the itemcard). I can manualy reserve those items, but not automatically :? .

Is it possible in NAV ? Or do I need to customize the creation of the production order ? #-o



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    ajhvdbajhvdb Member Posts: 672
    Don't think you can. What function do you want to customize?
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    dlauwersdlauwers Member Posts: 127
    Thanks for your reply !

    I need to analyse where I have to make the changes, but I think I would add some code when a component line is added. If I then see that there is enough inventory available, I could execute the same code that normaly is used when the user would do it manualy. This way the item would be reserved when the Production order is created or when the planning is executed when you create one manualy.

    But as I said, I need to analyse it further before I know excatly where to make the changes so I get the auto reservation on production order components.

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    Manu123Manu123 Member Posts: 1

    One of my client required to reserve item components to sales order.they are creating manual purchase orders and need to reserve those purchase order components(Items) to partocular sales order or Firm plannaed production order.

    Is it possible in NAV ?
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