Style Sheets - Bulleted List

JoeriJoeri Member Posts: 75

I have created a stylesheet with bulleted lists. But now when i push the "Word" button, and merge the document, i always get a numbered list. It doesn't matter which type of bullet i choose.

Now, the funny thing is, when i goto the stylesheet tool, and use the function "Stylesheet"->"Open Mail Merge", i DO get the layout i created with the correct bullets.

Anyone got a clue how to get that same layout when I merge it with the Word button on the toolbar ?


  • TitofTitof Member Posts: 4
    Hello Joeri,
    Did you try to use the "Send options" button ?

    This button allows you to choose the Style Sheet you want to Merge to.
    The Word button Merge with the last Style Sheet you have used.

    I hope this will help you.

  • JoeriJoeri Member Posts: 75
    No, this isn't the problem. The system selects the correct stylesheet, but it changes symbols and the layout of the document when it merges it.
  • ajhvdbajhvdb Member Posts: 672
    Also in 5.1? If you attach a sample doc I can test it.
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